It's true, I was hesitant to get a blog. I love reading what all of my friends have to say, but I wonder what it is I have to say that the world wide web would be interested to hear. It's a little terrifying to put yourself out there where anyone can read your random musings. Even if I only get three hits, one from my mom, it's weird to think that this is available to any rando that stumbles across it.
Well. With that out of the way...
I just got back to Tulsa to finish the semester after a spring break that swept by faster than a snitch in a particularly heated game of Quidditch. The first official day of spring greeted us with a large portion of snow to make the trip back particularly difficult. I surprisingly got to share the ride with Teryn, one of Meagan's friends that I didn't know very well but had somehow managed to find her way to Little Rock after her flight to Tulsa was cancelled. We actually didn't have any trouble finding conversation, especially with my handy dandy newly developed "get to know you" questions I've been testing lately. They aren't your typical, "Where were you born? What's your favorite color?" kind of questions, but I think they tell you a lot about a person. I've been asking them to everyone I've come across for a while and I really enjoy them because I think they're questions that everyone seems to have an opinion on. Here's a list of what I've got so far:
- When you have to sneeze, would you rather keep it in or get it out?
- What is your favorite season?
- When you are sick and you feel like crap, would you rather look like crap or dress up to make yourself feel better?
- Toilet paper: roll over or under?
- Describe your pillows: size, hard/soft, number, pillowcases?
- What websites do you check on a daily basis?
- When eating an array of food, do you eat all of one thing at a time or do you take bites of each and mix it up?
- Do you eat your favorite first or save the best for last?
- Everyone is a snob about something. What are you a snob about?
- Everyone is freaked out by/scared of something strange. What freaks you out?
Here are two questions I am testing. I haven't decided if they're worthy of "the list" yet.
- What is your theory to get rid of the hiccups?
- What is your favorite random website you've recently discovered?
Well, it's a work in progress. But I think it's true that everyone has something very interesting to say if you're willing to listen.
Perhaps the point of blogs? Hm...
I am one proud person!
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