Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cold. Cold. Cold.


Yeah, I said it. I'm over this whole cold thing. I'm doing my best to go into hibernation as often as possible, only leaving my apartment when I absolutely have to.

The one thing I do like about winter is New Years. It's my favorite holiday. I like the feeling of having a fresh start. I like looking back on the year that has passed and thinking about the year to come. I like remembering where I was on New Year's Eve the year before, and imagining where I'll be the next year.

A lot of unexpected changes have happened since last New Years. I've got a new major and, frankly, much less of an idea of what I want to do with my life. But I've got a better understanding of myself. And for the first time, I was excited to go back to Tulsa. I didn't wait until the last minute and dread moving back. It's not that I didn't want to be home. Home is great. But now Tulsa feels like home too. Does that mean I'm growing up?

Anyway, a new semester comes with a lot of new adjustments. I'm falling into a new schedule and meeting new professors. It's going to be a really difficult semester, but I'm up for the challenge.

I haven't updated in a while, and I have an explanation. But I don't feel obligated to share it. Just know that I'm feeling pretty good. I'm surprised by the twists and turns my life has been taking, but I'm pleased with them.

As long as I can cuddle up with a warm blanket, life is good.

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